Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baby Animals!

A Boy from Tremonton was working on his eagle project and he put together a baby animal farm. Jace was not to sure about it, but Addison seemed to do ok with most of it.

He wasn't to sure about the mini horse
She was fine with daddy. I wanted to get a picture of Addy petting the horse, but Dans hat kept on getting in the way so he told me to hold her and this is what I got.
I don't know if she is crying cause of the hay or of the baby goats. I hope its the hay cause she is usually the brave one.
Look how wide her eyes are!
Jace wanted nothing to do with the baby chick

he would pet it as long as this kid was holding it.

He is not scared of the big horse.

Getting grass to feed the horse
Way to go Addy!

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