A couple of weeks ago Jace tripped and hit his tooth. After he Calmed down I looked at him a little better and noticed that his front tooth has been knocked back. I called the dentist and they said to bring him in to make sure it did not effect his root. I called Dan and he was able to come home and take Jace to the dentist. They got back from the dentist and the dentist gave him a dollar and let him pick out a couple of toys, and his dad got him a slushy. The dentist said that the root looked good and that it shouldn't effect his permanent tooth, but it will most likely turn dark. which I noticed yesterday that it is already turning dark. Sorry the pictures are blurry on the little camera screen they did not look blurry, so sorry you get to look at blurry pics.

here you can see it has been pushed backed. it was even with the other front tooth.

a front view

again a front view and his sore lip where he bit it.
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