The insta-care did x-rays, but they were unable to see a break or anything because of all the fluid that was around my joint. They decided since I was in so much pain that they would put my arm in a splint, wrap it in ace bandage, and in a sling. They told me to call this Orthopedic surgeon and get an apt. with him in the morning and they would be able to help us and tell us more.
So Monday I called over to Dr. Murry and got in that afternoon. by that time a radiologist had looked at my x-ray and had found my break. Dr. Murry showed us where it was and what they were going to do for me. They left it in the hard splint that the insta-care did. They said they don't like to cast elbow joints because you lose mobility so fast. Since I had it in a splint that I could take off I was to exercise my arm daily.

This first x-ray is the one the insta-care did. where the arrow is pointing is the break.

this was today's x-ray 10-12-10 this was after two weeks being in the splint. We met with Dr. Murry today and he said if I am home try to keep the splint off and just keep it in the sling. If I am to go out of my home put it in the splint and sling. Then slowly stop using the sling, and the splint.
Oh and in case you wanted to know or even cared this is my first broken bone.
1 comment:
Brings back not so fond memories! I broke my elbow when I was 7, and cried every time I had to exercise it! I do not envy you!
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