Our first Barnes Family vacation was to California. We left on the 10th at 6:20 a.m. The night before we left my mom, Julie and her boy Jay, and my family spent the night at a hotel in SLC. When we got to California since it was to early to check into our hotel we went to Julies parents house let the kids take a little nap and the adults as well. Later that afternoon we went to the beach. We had plans to go to 3 different beaches and see different things. However Jace had other plans he had ate his lunch really really fast. then as we were walking out of the restaurant as you came out there was a little hill. so Jace, Addison, and Jay all rolled down this hill. Well Jace did it a few more times then he should have, cause on the way to the first beach he threw up in the back of the rental van. luckily we were right by the exit for our hotel. So about 1.5 hours later after cleaning the van and getting the locked keys out of it we were on our way to the beach!
Having fun at the beach! the water was so cold but the kids had so so much fun. they LOVED running away from the waves
Jace, Addy, and Jay chasing seagulls 
Kayelee and mama hanging out on the beach.
Kayelee HATED the sand

silly girl
my parents and Addy at Universal studios

The Haney crew

My cute kiddos

My cute nephew Jay

I don't think
Jace was to sure of Frankenstein

Addy and Dora
Curious George and 3 others who I dont know putting on a show
Jace was so scared to get his picture taken here
Sponge bob!


Oh no Jaws don't eat

Monday morning on our way to

Flying in a helicopter

I think
Jace may of found his girl friend

waiting for the parade to start
Addy waiting for the princess float to come and hoping that Bell is on it
Seeing Bell and getting excited
It was so cute to have see Addy Bell. Bell waved at her and even blew her a kiss. Addy was so so so excited that Bell blew her a kiss. I think we all had tears in our eyes after that.
Wednesday Morning we had early entry into toontown. so after being there for a few minutes I went over to wait in line to see if Addy could met Bell along with two other princesses. She was able to met Bell and she was so excited. Bell even came to greet her as she came into the princesses castle. And gave her a hug
Bell asked Addy if Jace was her beast.
signing Addys book
One last hug
Addy with princess Tiana
Addy and princess Ariel
Wednesday we also went to California adventure
This is on tower of terror. you can barely see the top of addys head then its my dad, and my moms head turned into Tyler, and Julie screaming her head off holding onto Tyler.
Wednesday night we went to goofs kitchen it was a blast! it is an all you can eat buffet. and while you are eating some of the characters come around to your table while you eat and you get to spend time with them and get your picture with them and get autographs. It was a bit pricey but would totally do it again.
Dancing with daddy
Dancing with Aladdin
Sleeping Beauty
After dinner in this car taking turns in the driver seat
that was our trip in a whole crap load of pictures. hope you enjoyed.