Pretend that its the fourth of July. For the Fourth of July we went to Payson to spend some time with Dans mom, and her husband. It was pretty fun we had a BBQ and did some fireworks. We have never bought fireworks before, so I wasn't to sure how the kids would do with them. Addison was so tired that I did not make her stay up to see them. Jace did good with them he liked to watch them, and look at all the cool colors.

This is Addison trying to stand up all by herself.

Playing in Grandmas watering well.

Since Addy still can not walk this is how she was crawling on the cement.

Jace was not to excited about the sparklers.

Running away from the sparklers. Jace would run clear into the neighbors yard and hide from the sparklers. He ran and would stop on the other side of the fence and he is just tall enough that his head pokes out from the top of the fence. My camera was giving me problems of I wasn't able to get a picture of Jace with his head on top of the fence.