3 years ago
Friday, January 30, 2009
Potty Traning!!!!
We are potty training Jace!!!! Yeah he has been in real underwear for one week now. He is doing so so good he has only had two accidents in one week. I am so PROUD of you Jace!
Sporting New Eye Ware
Yesterday was Addison's apt. at Primary Childrens Hospital. She had to go and see an opthamolagist. She was getting her eyes checked to see if there were any problems with the genetic disease that we have. The doctor said that everything looked fine. He told us that 1 in 10 people with our disease (Neurofibromatosis) can get these gliomas on the optic nerve and it could or could not cause vision problems. Everything turned out great the doctor said that she is not showing any signs of these yet, and wants to see her in 6 months to check her eyes again. He dilated her eyes to get a better look at her eyes. I forgot my camera so I got a few with my phone. She hated the glasses I had to fight her, and hold her hands down, to even get these few pictures.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Addy Look At Mama
Poor Sick Addy
On Sunday the 11th Addy started running a temp. and knowing that it was a Sunday I knew there was not much I could do for her. I really don't like going to the insta care I would rather take her to her own dr. So first thing Monday morning I called the dr. and got her an apt for that afternoon. I was guessing that it was her ears that was causing the temp. and I was right she had an ear infection. I got these pictures on Monday morning after she was done eating. She really did not feel good, but it was really nice having her sick only for the fact that she would cuddle with me. It does break my heart seeing these pictures and how sick and sad she looks. The thing that made me really worry was the she had the fever from Sunday afternoon to Wednesday afternoon. But she is all good now.

Monday, January 5, 2009
Christmas Morning And Night
Christmas morning we woke up about 7:30 to open gifts. We were waiting for my mom and dad to get here and finally at 8:00 they came they were a half in hour late cause of all of the snow. They kids had so much fun opening there gifts.
Jace in front of all his gifts
Addison in front of her gifts.
This is just one of the books Addison got.

After we got done opening gifts and our house we headed to my moms house for breakfast and more gifts. I forgot to take pictures at my moms house. Then that afternoon we headed over to Logan to go to my moms side of the family and there Christmas party.
My car when we got home Christmas night.
Dans truck
Addison in front of her gifts.
Jace showing off some of the stuff in his stocking. I let him open up his stoking while we were waiting for my mom and dad to show up.
Happy girl!!
This is just one of the books Addison got.
After we got done opening gifts and our house we headed to my moms house for breakfast and more gifts. I forgot to take pictures at my moms house. Then that afternoon we headed over to Logan to go to my moms side of the family and there Christmas party.
This is my cute grandma! She told us about her and grandpas first Christmas as a married couple. They did not have enough money for a "real" tree so grandma told grandpa to go and find a tumble weed and that would be there Christmas tree. Grandma decorated it and made it look as nice as she could. And that was there tree that year.

My car when we got home Christmas night.
Dans truck
Christmas Eve
Here are the Christmas eve pictures. We had fun we were not able to go to Dans family Christmas eve party this year. It was going to be to much driving for us and the kids. So we decided to stay home, we didn't do much we just got the house ready for Christmas day. Christmas eve night we went over to my aunt and uncles house. They had a soup and bread bowl dinner. Then we had a little mini program, a few of the kids sang Christmas songs. The kids all got there gifts and pajamas.
Julie and Jace
Addison and Ava (Ava is the only granddaughter for Larry and Vicky. They have 12 boys and 1 girl)

Jace opening his gift.
Julie and Jace
Addison and Ava (Ava is the only granddaughter for Larry and Vicky. They have 12 boys and 1 girl)
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